Q: Who is MelodyFusion for?

A: MelodyFusion is a platform that helps you to share and promote your music for free. So MelodyFusion is for everyone with a passion for music, including creators and performers of music, educationalists, instruments manufacturers and retailers, sound technicians, music recording studios, music venues, and others.

Q: Is MelodyFusion for independent artists, or can signed bands join?

A: We welcome unsigned and signed musicians. Just go ahead and create an account and you can start sharing!

Q: Can I sell my music on MelodyFusion?

A:  We don't sell music directly, but you can easily sell your music by uploading links to music you have on sales-related platforms (e.g. iTunes, Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Amazon Music, etc.) We receive no fees or commissions on sales of your music on any platforms.

Q: Do you protect my music's copyright?

A: Absolutely. We are fully committed to protecting your intellectual property rights and are dedicated to making sure that your music is only given away for free if you choose to offer this. If you upload your music using a link to another platform (e.g. Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, etc.,) all the copyright and anti-piracy protection the other platform has in place will keep your rights intact.

Q: Who will hear my music?

A: You have complete control. You can upload your music for anyone who visits the MelodyFusion website to listen to, all members of MelodyFusion, or you can invite own personal audience.

Q: Where do I find music I've previously uploaded?

A: Your music is stored on your Gallery. To get there, click on the "View Profile" link just above the Log out button on the Member's Home Page, then on the Gallery button.

Q: How do I upload new music?

A: You can upload individual songs, or create an album containing multiple songs, on your Gallery, which is on your Profile Page. Your Profile Page is your “personal music space,” where you get to upload music/videos to your Gallery, post blogs, invite friends to Join, and link with or create your own special interest group, and much, much more. If you have problems, feel free to contact us.

Q: What formats are supported for music files?

A: You can upload your music in any of the following formats: mp3, m4a, mp4a, ogg.

Q: How do I upload a thumbnail photo to accompany my music?

A: Once you’ve Uploaded and Saved your music file and clicked Done, it appears in your Gallery. Hover your cursor over your music and three vertical black dots appear in the top right of the image. Select "Edit," then select "Thumbnail" and upload your cover graphic. If you have problems, feel free to contact us.

Q: How do I Delete music I've previously uploaded?

A: Hover your cursor over your music and three vertical black dots appear in the top right of the music image. Hover your cursor over the three black dots and select Delete. If you have problems, feel free to contact us.

Q: What formats are supported for cover photos?

A: You can upload your cover photo in any of the following formats: bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, mp3, mp4, m4a.

Q: What formats are supported for video files?

A: The following video formats are supported: mp4,mp4v, mpeg, mov, webm.

Q: What formats are supported for document files?

A: The following document formats are supported: doc, odg, odp, ods, odt, pdf, ppt, txt, xcf, xls, csv.

Q: Can I offer some suggestions for the website?

A: Absolutely! We consider MelodyFusion to be your website, so we welcome any suggestions you have that might help us to improve the site. Just fill in the Contact Us form on the Help and Support drop-down menu.